Pikiran Rakyat Media Network Editors’ Forum Calls Out KPK’s Bogus Terminology, Offers Alternatives

29 Agustus 2021, 23:53 WIB
Pikiran Rakyat Media Network Editors’ Forum agreed on changing the term ‘corruptor’ with ‘Thieves of the People’s Money’ and ‘Robbers of the People’s Money’ in order to avoid blurring the true definition of the word, as the KPK have done. /Photo courtesy of Pikiran Rakyat Media Network/

BERITA SUBANG - Recently, there has been multiple discourse regarding turning corruptors into anti-corruption counselors to the extent that the Corruption Eradication Commission decided to call them “Corruption Survivors.”

Similar to the term "Covid survivors,” "corruption survivors" obfuscates the true definition of the word "corruptor.” It did not take long before the terminology garnered criticism from Najwa Shihab.

The Pikiran Rakyat Media Network Editors’ Forum also took a stance.

As quoted from the Instagram account of PRMN's Chief Executive Officer Agus Sulistriyono (@azoelis), "Starting today, 170 media under the auspices of PRMN have officially replaced the diction of CORRUPTOR with what they should be called THIEF or ROBBERS of the people’s money.”

As of Sunday, August 29, 2021, the entire media under the auspices of the Pikiran Rakyat Media Network will refer to corruptors with a more direct terminology.

This stance is based on the Pikiran Rakyat Media Network Editors’ Forum decision that the term “corruptor” is no longer accurate and does not deter them from stealing from the people.

"Of course, this change in diction is also accompanied by a hope that in the future our country (can be) rid from thieves," Agus continued in a comment on his Instagram, which was accompanied by a picture of a hand holding iron bars.

"In fact, the FACES OF THE THIEVES, ROBBERS and LOOTERS of people's money should be posted on billboards around Monas."

Medias under Pikiran Rakyat Media Network also enlivened the discussions on social media by posting the hashtags #PRMNLawanMalingUangRakyat and #PRMNLawanRAMPOKUangRakyat #PRMNLawanGARONGUangRakyat.


Editor: Muhamad Al Azhari


